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Undercover police officer took part in release of mink from fur farm, then joined animal rights group

MARTIN EVANS: ‘A female undercover police officer helped release thousands of mink from a fur farm after infiltrating a group of animal rights campaigners 20 years ago, Scotland Yard has admitted… Around 6,000 mink, that were being bred for their pelts, were set free from their cages, as part of the militant campaign against the fur trade… The incident took place at Crow Hill Farm in Ringwood, Hampshire in August 1998…

While the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) claimed responsibility for releasing the mink, and Hampshire Police undertook a lengthy investigation, nobody was ever charged… Christine Green – not her real name – who worked as an undercover officer with the controversial Special Demonstration Squad (SDS), infiltrated the ALF and London Animal Action between 1994 and 1999…

She was given permission by her police bosses to take part in the crime, because they believed maintaining her cover could help prevent further crime in the future. Two years after the incident the female officer quit her job in order to pursue a relationship with animal rights campaigner, Tom Frampton… A subsequent police inquiry into Ms Green’s conduct, which reported two years ago, determined there was not enough evidence to charge her with any crime’. SOURCE…


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